Thursday 27 November 2008

Preliminary Shoot

Before we start shooting our opening sequence we had to do a preliminary shoot in order to make sure that we knew how to use the camera and how to edit the shots we have film. Our sequence was based on a person walking into a room sitting down at a table and having a conversation with another participant.

During our shoot there were minor errors such as:

• The first cut isn't invisible, this makes it look non naturalistic. This is shown in the 7th second into the film.

• We didn't have a wide enough range of different shoots due to time constraints.

  • also we forgot to edit out background talking 

However, there were some successful qualities in our performance these include:

• We used the 180 degree rule.

• It was simple so it was easy to understand.

• We included the rule of thirds.

• framing

• composition

• the use of space

• Close-ups



The costumes that will be used in our project will be typical 21st century clothing.
Girls will be wearing:
· Jeans and t-shirts
· Dolly shoes/UGG boots
· Scarves
· Jewellery
· Hats

Boys will be wearing:
· Tracksuits
· Hats
· Jeans
· Jackets
· Trainers
· Pumps



The locations we intend to use in our project are:

Corporation park woods – this will be used at the beginning of the sequence when there is a boy or girl running through a park at night.

In college this will be used during the credits. This will be when the serial killer is cutting out the headlines and pictures.

These are ideal places to film as they are easy to access and we wont interrupt any of the pupils in college or the general public.


Production Calendar

Week 1
Go through the booklet
Do activities to get used to the codes and conventions

Week 2
Choose group and idea of project
Create a blog, write about research and plan

Week 3
Training of equipment
Update group blog

Week 4
Complete preliminary task
Update blog

Week 5
Video groups - start filming
Update blog

Week 6
Take photos
Continue filming
Update blog

Week 7
Complete filming
Update blog

Week 8
Continue editing - ask teacher for feedback
Aim to have done "rough" cut by the end of the week
Update blog

Week 9
Continue editing
Work on creating pages left
Update group blog

Week 10
Completed task
Upload video for exam board
Be aware of the evaluation
Update blog

Evaluation phase
time limits for this will be set by your teacher and must adhered to. You will usually be given time to draft and then produce a final version of the evaluation. This will be done in your own tine and not in class.

Full Storyboard

This is our full, original storyboard, but changes and adjustments will probably be added to it later as our filming begins and we have more of an idea of what look we are trying to create in this sequence, and we may also encounter problems which result in us having to adjust our end product.


Idea for the opening scene

· Boy/Girl running through a park at night time
· No noise will be heard, just the images of trees and footsteps etc.
· Flash to pictures of teenagers, with credits.
· Then flash to news reporter on the television, reporting on missing people.
· Distorted then goes off.
· Typical day in town, with teenagers, and their hobbies
· Following the Boy/Girl home, through the park,
· Boy/Girl notices some one following them, and speeds up, eventually running(cyclical opening!)


Background Information

It is based on a serial killer; however it is not like your ordinary thriller where it turns out to be a male with a mental problem. Instead it is a female journalist. She has lived her whole life being surrounded by news, everything she has every heard has been bad news. The most recent stories are about teenagers. This is when her hatred begins. She believes that she has to rid the world of these “humans” and create a new generation… a perfect generation.


Tuesday 18 November 2008


We found it difficult to think of a name for our project. We had ideas like:

  • still life

  • condemned

  • Ideology
  • camera shy

After we added the last details on our project we decided that the title that represented our project the most was camera shy.


Monday 17 November 2008

An opening sequence

An opening sequence is the first thing in which the viewer sees. Within the first five minutes the producers have to make sure that they:
· Establish time and place
· Introduce themes and ideologies
· Set up an equilibrium
· Introduce characters
· Set up audience expectations
· Demonstrate generic conventions

These are the key elements in order to make the perfect opening sequence. The techniques in which our group will focus on are: ·
Genre – crime, thriller
· Enigmas – who is the killer? Why is he/she killing? Why choose these people?
· Conventions – scalpel, knife, blood, headlines, pictures, scrapbook of achievements, hands, eyes, writing.
· Audience expectations - killings, chase, mental problems

We have used the BFI handbook to find out the figures for the regular cinemagoers. We found out that 41.5 % was between the ages of 15 up to 34. Our project is ideal for this age range because it suits their genre perfectly, as it is a horror.

Films that are related to our project are:

Se7en - $100,125,643 - 9/22/1995

Hostel - $47,326,473 - 1/6/2006

American psycho - $15,070,285 -14/4/2000

Hard Candy - $1,024,640 - 14/4/2006

The genre of the film we are making is popular at the moment and people between the age of 15-34 regularly go to the cinema. Most viewings in cinemas lately are of thrillers. Our audience will want to have enigmas created, and a sense of uncertainty whilst watching the film. We shall do this by not giving the identity of the murderer away, but by simply showing them how they operate. We will also create a ‘red herring’, to throw the audience of track. Our idea is different because there is a twist. The murderer is not who or what you expect it to be. Our film will be similar to the ones which have already been released, due to the genre, but can assure you that it will also be entertaining and NOT a cliché.



About Me

Media Coursework - Film production/Destk top publishing