Tuesday 23 December 2008


There are two types of music, diegetic and non diegetic. Diegetic sound is when it exists in the “world of the characters” for examples the dialogue between the characters and music which can be heard by characters. Non-diegetic sound is music that is there purely for the audience for example, atmospheric music, soundtracks, voice over and narration.
One great example is Taxi driver. The music director uses non-diegetic music to create haunting atmosphere while the voice over tell us, the audience, the main protagonists thoughts.

One piece of music that we would have used is the first 19 seconds of big dreams, sung by bow wow as it would create irony.

Or group 1 crew as it creates an atmosphere in the first few seconds and in the chorus (56 seconds – 1 minute 20 seconds)

For copy right reasons we are unable to use these so we have chosen some music from the CD’s in which our media teacher provided us with.


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Media Coursework - Film production/Destk top publishing